Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, January 3, 2011

Oh the Irony

So the hospital hands out these sheets that act as a simplified version of a birth plan. Mine clearly went according to plan (not) At least I avoided the dreaded C-section. It was close!

Induction - Check
Avoid Labor Augmentation with Pitocin (Right ... hahaha)
Telemetry Fetal Monitoring - (Sorry can't do that)


  1. i asked my ob-gyn if i needed a birth plan and he was like "yeah, you can draft one up, but it's useless." hope you are getting enough catnaps :)

  2. i think there isn't really much choice/autonomy when it comes to labour and pain relief in SG! so much for all the different positions you can have for dealing with the pain during labour - apparently everyone has to lie on their backs here, and walking epidural is a myth...

  3. sky yeah based on my experience it's pretty much useless haha

    e~ the nurse told me I could move around my bed hah :P
