Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Butterfly Smiles :D

Well kinda. Moggie has been practicing smiling as he falls asleep of late. Like a grouch who doesn't know how ... he lifts one side of his mouth lol!

Well today he finally broke his first full one though half asleep, awww. Can't wait to see him smile at us for real ! It'll make these sleepless nights worthwhile.

Ok end of annoying mommy gush.


  1. aye, plunge ahead with the mommy gush. it's less annoying than you think. you just need the right audience and right now, from what I see, your audience is ready and anticipating.... haha!

    first smiles are the cutest, also those toothless, gummy smiles are so precious.

  2. certainly not annoying to me! ;)
