I'm enjoying a nice peaceful afternoon :) DH and the grand parents are out so it's just me and Moggie. Thankfully he's sleeping for now and hopefully till the next feed at 4.30pm. Must catch up on some old posts and photos. Wow time really flies, I can't believe Moggie's almost a month old already!
Our first visit to Dr J was the Monday (12/27) following Moggie's discharge on Christmas when he was just a wee 6 day old newborn. Here we are waiting in the pediatrician's office and filling out paper work.
Overall a clean bill of health despite being in the NICU for 3 days. It's a long story starting with me having a fever during labor. That meant poor M needed to be on antibiotics for 2 days. While in the ICU, they discovered that M couldn't maintain his body temperature and that his heart beat was a tad irregular. These symptoms are actually pretty common in newborns though the doctors wanted to keep a close eye to be safe and charge the insurance company for a longer stay :p
M gained a couple ounces since leaving the hospital though he was not close to birth weight. That's OK, we had till 2 weeks. A goal I worked very hard on and achieved. Go team M&M :D
Scheduled a couple follow up visits with the pediatrician and cardiologist. The following visits were pretty uneventful. Definitely a good thing. M received a clean bill of health and is putting on weight. We'll find out how much further along he's progressing with weight gain at our 1 month visit on Friday. You can tell I'm a little obsessed with this weight thing since I'm worried about milk supply sigh.